From today you can get all the libraries The Lubavitch in Argentina. Who are the new Jews Orthodox?; What do they want?, How are you getting? Alejandro of "The Ruffian" Soifer, edited by John Terranova and published by Sudamericana .
The book is an investigative report about a group of orthodox Jewish community known as "Chabad Lubavitch." Concerns their origin in the country, its main objectives as an organization and how they are getting to meet those goals. All this alongside related to the redefinition of the author's own Jewish identity and the potential for a challenge to the reader in relation to their identity ascriptions.
Personally, the issue has never attracted me as a Jew or interest, or as a student of Cs. Social / Humanities. But the narrative flow and diversity of voices that are putting together the story could not help but get hooked on the book. Really recommend it to be read pseudoantropológica key research, information material or simply as a chronicle.
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