Friday, January 15, 2010

How To Write A Commercial Lease

The Hang. None of

There is nothing to hate more than "hang attitude" by the vast majority of people around me and I presume, finds its origin in the "liquidity" social, as Zygmunt Bauman would beyond any personal tara people around me. Each one will do its best. I'm not going to "educate" over anyone, nor to suggest that Psychoanalysis. Because note that I have a lot of convenience to all, without exception, should psychoanalyze . Safa anyone anything. And no one knows how to listen.
How it breaks my balls prejudice (fed by ignorance) to the piscoanĂ¡lisis! (In a defense of what I represented to be the daughter of a mother and over Freudian psychoanalyst Lacan. Another metadisidente).

to hang back, today I decided to be me who is hung. I know how it feels. I feel that I can shit in the other, hanging out. Call it "social experiment" Yankee asshole well as typical documentary.

Let's see what happens ...

Edit: absolutely not going to happen nothing. People do not register the other is already lost respect for the time and scroll almost completely alien.
is little people can engage with one another.
This was the trigger for my anger.


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