Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sale Contract For Car
The last orgy (say, dinner) .*
Talking about equal marriage law, which will hopefully be today, and among many attempts to connect the dots of the incomprehensible, I to imagine what would happen if these people orange, echoes of the voices of the Church and unrelated to the yellow PRO, they learned that God is gay, as a mere assumption, as necessary to denature at times ...
sufficient authority sources (such as the idea of \u200b\u200b"justice" for example) have found that mate choice or how experience sexuality is rooted in the human condition. Everything about the constraints on how to choose or how to live your sexuality is a cultural artifact, full of interests of all institutions involved. If these institutions are so, imagine that the number of rules that are imposed, they tend exponentially to infinity. Because in addition to a standard, is derived from another, so we have a metanormatividad that reaches the darkest corners and far from what is (and never ceased to be) a simple choice.
metiéramos Imagine if we in this sea of \u200b\u200bquestions if we decided teñirnos hair, or change careers / work. What if instead of imagining further chances, the better we do not turn the table and we see that consistency is the same? As in the supplement Radar Página/12, speaking of marriage weirdos dated last month.
This is happening is nothing that the Inquisition and Argentinized aggiornamiento. And in this country must always be alert, because ... (And this I want to do for a little while) "Nobody Expects the English Inquisition!"
could spend the whole day thinking about this issue (and well deserving it) when all my conclusions derived simply that nobody, absolutely nobody, neither the Church nor the state (although I understand their legal status), and the intellectuals neither you nor me. Nobody has the slightest right to intervene, prosecute and / or decide on the life of absolutely nobody. And that includes the sexual life and the ability to procreate or adopt children.
is quite clear that "mother" and "father" are categories that are derived from a genre, but a purely social role. Biologically a mother gives a child and her biological link is instantly, the role parent is legally as it does enter the social world (and normalized) by the act of yielding a surname. Now, this does not necessarily have to do with be parent. Or the mother figure or father, the oranges are so afraid of "losing."
A gay or lesbian couples (even though I still have the idea of \u200b\u200b"partner" Why not 3, 4 or 5?) Can be fully armed to convey an image of a parent. A man who is paired with another man and they decide to adopt a child, can be a mother and social father of that child
I have wanted to mess with the gender issue debunks Beatriz Preciado. But we are discussing the Senate is an issue so basic that neither is worth the time. Beatriz Preciado course itself, and with great respect and dedication as that can give Foucault, for example.
Conclusion: enough of breaking balls. Live and let live.
Yes to gay marriage law and the guarantee of adoption.
* And if not, carefully observe the work of Da Vinci entitled L'Last Supper : no clearer picture of the High Holidays gays who were there by the fifteenth century. Note that all gathered to eat (pretty accurate metaphor in semantics sex), all wine pasadísimos fart. Moreover, once made the digestion and there was no one Pipón, there is no better time to fuck that nap time.
That if we ignore the intoxicating infatuation faces of the apostles, Jesus and the little hand gently holding the cookie, that everyone wants to eat, because it is their meat. All want to give God.
And suppose that God is fucking what? It is also the father and spiritual leader of many. So what?
That if we ignore the intoxicating infatuation faces of the apostles, Jesus and the little hand gently holding the cookie, that everyone wants to eat, because it is their meat. All want to give God.
And suppose that God is fucking what? It is also the father and spiritual leader of many. So what?
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