::: To continue illustrating and showing, we leave a signature Brazilian videito Neon, and what was his last for the Sao Paulo Fashion Week, enjoy it!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Chrissi (nadine Jansen)
saynomode still looking what's coming and it happened: San Pablo Fashion Week 2011 Fashion in coca
::: If to admit it, Saynomode the removal of the hat to receive the new trends that brings the San Pablo Fashion Week, for this summer.
version number 29, Sao Paulo Fashion Week featured 40 designers, six to seven shows a day and hundreds of models gave rise to one of the most famous and renowned the world.
The week saw the latest trends in 2010/2011, at the Biennale, opposite the Parque Do Ibirapuera.
The huge building (several times larger than the Rural) was transformed into a large park with walls painted afrobahianos color, a slide, a Ferris wheel and small windmills to try to convey the slogan of this year, the anima or soul, which is expressed in the unmistakable joy of the Brazilians and holiday spirit. Well
know their makers, who for this spring / summer version presented vibrant, colorful and floral creations.
This fashion week, strengthens all work together that a production line,
both the textile market, workshops, and designers carried forward in a working season.
is an example, not only because every time it is stated as an event in the global fashion calendar, but because it a neighboring country's economic sector growing season to season, and of course has to do. Concerning
as Maria Garcia, Alexandre Herchcovitch, Erika Ikezili, Joao Pimenta, Rosa Cha firms like Triton, Osklen, Colcci, Cavalera, Maria Bonita, Neon and classics from the footbridge as Reinaldo Lourenco Sao Paulo, Wilson Ranieri, Ronaldo Fraga and Gloria Coelho.
also had its flip side, but they are details that add significance in their scale belong to the rest of the world fashion week. Counted with the presence of the star Paris Hilton as a model for the signature Triton, also known Bunchen Giselle, divine mother after being just six months ago and a 90's icon for the designer Eva Herzigova Adriana Degreas:::
::: Proposals: MicroVest strapless, lace, ruffles and transparencies. Also the geometric, liberty and jungle prints. Tights, leggings and high-waisted pants, glitter and sequins to pailletes any time of day and platforms XL, which is currently not abandon us.
The tones : nude, silver gray, mixed with large floral prints, and contrasting colors. Is that nature was a theme in several collections, from dresses to coats and pants, floral pattern was the center of several parades.
One of the jobs that most attention was the designer Ikezili Erika, who brought this issue to its maximum expression in clothing and accessories. Big hats and headgear with plastic flowers highlight this issue. It was reiterated with short dresses, and unlike Cavalera designs for example, she presents uneven cuts, pleats, gathered and draped. Yes
knows how to work the feminine silhouette.
: We leave you a video of Triton was the already mentioned, starring Paris Hilton and Erika Ikezili runway.
::: If to admit it, Saynomode the removal of the hat to receive the new trends that brings the San Pablo Fashion Week, for this summer.
version number 29, Sao Paulo Fashion Week featured 40 designers, six to seven shows a day and hundreds of models gave rise to one of the most famous and renowned the world.
The huge building (several times larger than the Rural) was transformed into a large park with walls painted afrobahianos color, a slide, a Ferris wheel and small windmills to try to convey the slogan of this year, the anima or soul, which is expressed in the unmistakable joy of the Brazilians and holiday spirit. Well
know their makers, who for this spring / summer version presented vibrant, colorful and floral creations.
This fashion week, strengthens all work together that a production line,
both the textile market, workshops, and designers carried forward in a working season.
is an example, not only because every time it is stated as an event in the global fashion calendar, but because it a neighboring country's economic sector growing season to season, and of course has to do. Concerning
as Maria Garcia, Alexandre Herchcovitch, Erika Ikezili, Joao Pimenta, Rosa Cha firms like Triton, Osklen, Colcci, Cavalera, Maria Bonita, Neon and classics from the footbridge as Reinaldo Lourenco Sao Paulo, Wilson Ranieri, Ronaldo Fraga and Gloria Coelho.
also had its flip side, but they are details that add significance in their scale belong to the rest of the world fashion week. Counted with the presence of the star Paris Hilton as a model for the signature Triton, also known Bunchen Giselle, divine mother after being just six months ago and a 90's icon for the designer Eva Herzigova Adriana Degreas:::
::: Proposals: MicroVest strapless, lace, ruffles and transparencies. Also the geometric, liberty and jungle prints. Tights, leggings and high-waisted pants, glitter and sequins to pailletes any time of day and platforms XL, which is currently not abandon us.
The tones : nude, silver gray, mixed with large floral prints, and contrasting colors. Is that nature was a theme in several collections, from dresses to coats and pants, floral pattern was the center of several parades.
One of the jobs that most attention was the designer Ikezili Erika, who brought this issue to its maximum expression in clothing and accessories. Big hats and headgear with plastic flowers highlight this issue. It was reiterated with short dresses, and unlike Cavalera designs for example, she presents uneven cuts, pleats, gathered and draped. Yes
knows how to work the feminine silhouette.
: We leave you a video of Triton was the already mentioned, starring Paris Hilton and Erika Ikezili runway.
Monday, June 21, 2010
How To Write A Card For Bachelorette
Coca-Cola Light 25 years and to celebrate launch later this month an e limited tradition of 30000 bottles outlined by eight international designers.
David Dolphin , Amaya Arzuaga , Duyos , Devota & Lomba , Francis Montesinos , Miriam Ocariz , Lydia Delgado and Roberto Verino, will wear his designs on the bottles best known brand in the world.
This is not the first time that fashion flowing in the field of mass marketing, then attach some examples proposed universal mark ...

Sunday, June 20, 2010
What Games To Play After Sororoity Initiation
Saynomode looks: costume looks
One of the films blockbuster this year was undoubtedly "Alice" by the beloved director Tim Burton. The surprise we get along with Disney, who was behind this big production, but no doubt this company has been on track. Tim
I add a dark side to this release, and Disney gave him a free hand: the record straight.
But Saynomode approaches what he wants the apparel retail giant that led each of his characters. Since its main character, played by Mia Wasikowska, with changes in scale and size, passing the hat by the sympathetic Jonny Deep desirable, to the wicked Queen of Hearts, beautifully recreated by Helena Bonham Carter with their dresses, shoes and accessories.
The company responsible for such cover was the American Colleen Atwood, quiendesde accompanies several Burton films. While his name will go unnoticed in the tiny credits of a film, his work looks in the film industry.
was present with the costumes from Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd, Big Fish, Sleepy Hollow and has been nominated seven times for an Oscar, taking the statuette twice, for his work on Memoirs of a Geis and Chicago. His work is impeccable .
Saynomode leaves you a video, behind the scenes, and some sketches of Atwood herself, for we noticed more in detail the laborious work of this artist.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thank You Wording For Wedding In Spanish
express guilt.
"The canvas size should be large enough to fit my inner torment him," said Jane Le
Daria, in a chapter in the series by MTV issued. Series that marked much of my adolescence and a strong identification with the character.
happens, however, always passing through some kind of discomfort is most productive when I am on an artistic level. More paint, more writing, more ideas occur to me to be located in the cliche of "creative." Apparently, this is something that happens several. And if you are only nerd who believes / says he has no artistic gifts, know that in any case known to suffer from the malaise that afflicts intellectuals.
However, today and in view of further analysis, so bad I'm not (much to the chagrin of many) and my head still never ceases to produce ideas galore. Only that channeled into a creative process very different from the typical systematic sublimation disorder reigns when discomfort.
This post is merely a bundle of new, to refresh the blog idle academic questions that have been left unattended and apparently will remain so for a while. The purpose of it is disguised a bit my fault for not having posted anything in a while. And to rectify everything that contains this virtual space is the product of times and circumstances. Any idea or thought is static for more dogmatic you want to display. For more secure than one you want to show.
Now, I'll keep working.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Free Sleep Disorder Clipart
dayShot: David Lachapelle
Saynomode could not fail to show one of the most important photographers of study in the contemporary scene. Irreverent, surreal at times, a lover of pop culture splashes us every day, the proposal gives us involves several disciplines. From videos, photography for advertising, for records, editorial, there are many artists who continue to choose for their particular aesthetic and good results of editing. An endless list of celebrities have posed for him.
Here is a sample of his work: disñador memorable English Alexander McQueen, poses with his muse, Isabella Blow who was also a producer and fashion stylist, well away from this earthly world. Enjoy it!
+ if you want to get closer to the work of David Lachapelle, you can find your photos and videos in a complete collection: www. Lachapelle studio.com
Guys Like To Be Tickled
Saynomode Events: City pop
Music - Photography - Fashion - Entertainment - Arts - Digital Arts - street dance - Poetry
Emerging City
Emerging City 2010, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City , presents the third festival of youth culture that raises its head to the masses. All the good will of the new, from 2 to 6 June at the Recoleta Cultural Center. All styles of music, film, art, dance, fashion, poetry and all forms of communication and artistic expression, characteristic of century.
So was the official presentation of the press release for this festival which adds its third edition, always successful, perhaps maybe as exhibits, nothing more and nothing less than that is new on the scene of each discipline.
But Saynomode stops on the field you compete, and I on a special fashion all happened in a city emerging from the contest winners, to parades that dazzled more than one pair of eyes.
productions and ideas for new creators, had their ideal gateway. The inaugural parade, Dancehall dmode (ballroom dancing), a subgenre of reggae music's most innovative time and was related to precisely this culture, with designs by Rasbastian, Zion, Aire de Jah e Ituzion. The music, by Dj Rasflek and Miss Bolivia. Then it was the turn of the winners of the "Pop Fashion", displaying their creations at fashion shows "debut." Although already established designers participated as special guests, the role was for them. The venue, the Courtyard of the cistern, where the rest of the days exhibited the creations of young designers
Monday, June 7, 2010
Insuring A Dune Buggy Canada
Note: Solidarity + talent: Mr Love
A design example of solidarity, reformulate Top designers donated clothing under the label Mr Love.
clothes donation donation of time and talent of the best designers in Argentina is equal to Mr. Love is not a mathematical formula, but the brand that gives its name to the project that seeks to transform garments have fallen into disuse and have been donated by individuals and enterprises, clothing copyright, reworked by five of the best designers in the country.
Mr. Love comes from the donation of thousands of Argentines who every day offer items they no longer use the Salvation Army, a worldwide organization with headquarters in Argentina, which are collected, the conditioning and taking them out for sale at very low cost for the realization of nearly 150 community action programs.
Among the elements that people are donating clothes. And it is from the creative agency JWT developed this action that has a united purpose, and that all proceeds from the sale of these items to be displayed in a parade on Thursday in the Cultural City Konex go to the Salvation Army. But it also has a communicative purpose: to transmit the importance of giving what is not used.
exception Designers
Estebecorena Brothers (HE), Mariano Toledo, Pablo Ramírez, Martín Churba (Weaving) and 12-NA five designers were invited to participate in this first experience of Mr Love, though many say they will not be the last and that the project will continue over time.
"Mr. Love was born almost two years with the idea of \u200b\u200breusing the items donated, altering them and adding value. It is called the representative designers who work regularly with the recycling of clothes, and were asked to design five teams each, which will be the ones to display in the parade, "said the godmother of the project, Kika Tarelli.
The first step for the realization of the project was to visit the deposits and the main store Salvation Army in Pompeii (Sáenz 580), to select the garments with which they would create their designs.
"Each designer chose your clothing style and aesthetics and selected on the basis of what I wanted to achieve. It was up to the pile of clothes, filling grocery carts whole. In total, each took between 10 and 15 bags of consortium, "he said Tarelli, a privileged witness of the process.
Mountains disused clothes are enormous: each day, are selected and separated about 2000 pieces only at the seat of Pompei. During the search appeared interesting things: many designers were confronted with clothes by himself and others, with designer clothes that they admired.
The biggest Miguel del Bello, director of the charity shop in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, said that actions like these allow "to inform the Salvation Army is a place where things recover value in the lives of many people. For us, every donation is important. "
Promising Future
Although Mr. Love was born as a brand of clothing, no one can rule out extended to furniture, china and other items donated to the organization.
"It was a very strong trigger, we are in the midst of an unprecedented, is the first time you build this from a donation. The idea is that this is an annual event and give them to other intervention artists, "concluded Del Bello.
After the parade, the pieces form part of a traveling exhibition and later be auctioned to benefit the Salvation Army.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
How To Get Non Reporting Probation
agenda; Art + Design Fair
A different option for this weekend, with several options to look at, organized by Cesar Lucre, 5 and 6 June at the Irish Pub ..

. Mercedes
Munay . Diz Marianela Bratovich
. Sergio Miranda
. Photo Club
Crocodile sleeping ...
Dale, dale to look
Del Pilar
Luzmira and La Juana
Plaza Zoo
WARning LighTS
Root Green Your Side
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Purevision Toric Vs Softlens Toric
Agenda: Seminar "The Value of Art",
This seminar is organized by the art workshop that depends on the Culture of the Municipality of Rada Tilly. > Admission is free and those interested can go to the Art Studio located at 1429 or call the Malvinas 4451401. \u0026lt;
A by Jose Luis Tuñon on Thursday 03, will take place at Rada Tilly another meeting of this proposal that will address different problems of art:
do that answers the need for art? national perspective and our region. When does the art in a city?
This seminar is organized by the art workshop that depends on the Culture of the Municipality of Rada Tilly. > Admission is free and those interested can go to the Art Studio located at 1429 or call the Malvinas 4451401. \u0026lt;
"My name is Jose Luis Tunon and was born in Rio Gallegos in 1955. I live in Comodoro Rivadavia in 1984 where he worked as an artist and psychoanalyst. I did my initial training in La Plata in both disciplines. So, these two practices were far apart, are now two ways that allow me to understand the culture as the discursive field that shapes the ways of enjoyment. "
(extracted from" Snowball "http://www.boladenieve.org.ar/node/8014)
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