Dianetics + New Age = DNI
For Ommar Ayala
study on this issue that really seems to concern for the church in general, I suggest you read the following investigation. Frankly I was surprised with the results raised here and I respectfully appeal to all fear and trembling to the Servants of God of ICIRMAR for using the ID method as evident by the features anti-Christian practices, which seek at all costs infiltrate the church to prepare the way for the son of perdition, I hope you read here is worth, because I have earned reprimands, hatred and misunderstanding to a part of the Christian community also thank the brothers, servants and sisters in this and other movements that have supported information and prayers. God have mercy on us ...
As a first example we can mention Scientology sect in several countries considered European. This organization was founded by science fiction writer Ron Hubbard . It has been enriched by recruiting people who have to pay a high price for the material (such as engrams ) which offers the sect, promising happiness.
have emerged from this current business improvement, although perhaps not as alienating as Scientology, are far from be beneficial, and only in a few cases able to help people.
To achieve its mission, sects use the ontological training (Greek ontos: 'all' in the sense that it influences every individual's life, including their privacy).
Most experts agree that training (coaching ) is useful for companies and to help people (as can be also psychology).
Instead ontological training, which although derived from coaching, usually dispose of the subject, to make it perform the duties of the company. And mixing a little of everything: training, Gestalt psychology and various metaphysical concepts.
Ontological Coaching, a new professional school to assist people so they can get results without this training, they could not achieve on their own.
- this sound familiar? ... Maybe I've read in some agenda of the New Breed.
Ontological Coaching well conceived is the basis for understanding the work in organizations is naturally synergistic and interdependent, interdisciplinary and mutual aid where no party or departments is more important than the others, and where competition, which is the art of working from my competition is the best way to achieve business results that none of the departments can achieve by itself alone. It is the basis for understanding leadership as a weakness not addictive, but as a liberating energy that drives employees to settle in self-leaders.
quality from this new perspective, no longer displayed as blind adherence to rules invisible to people, but as the creative capacity to surprise their customers with services extent that competition can not match. Ontological Coaching through companies and organizations are created smart able to change the realities.
- What is Coaching?:
- It is a practical discipline that facilitates learning to: observe, think, feel and do differently, therefore achieve different results in different areas: work, family, etc. and live a full life.
Why these names: Coach and Coaching?.
- This name comes from the sport. where it was noted that the intervention of a person-which, while not
play - changing the individual and team results, this person was the trainer or coach. Coaching And then, was to train other / s.
How was evolving at different rates COACHINGS?
- After the sport was not enough to "do differently." Came more complex needs face a "new historical scenarios, models emerging social, economic and political crisis, this is added the great technological advances especially in the field of communication. All this translates into paradigm shifts, and perhaps the biggest is that it challenges us to rethink what which means "human being." From this follows the term "ontology" (science or study of being), which has more than 25 centuries, but has acquired other dimensions and use in recent decades by the advance group of many scientific and philosophical.
New Age / New Age
- The "New Era" is a movement with universal features, looking for his followers no matter their beliefs, race, color or nation.
- For them, an evangelical, a Catholic, a Jew, a witch or a lama of Tibet is, (it is for this reason that the ID method can be implemented in any church, German author says there is no problem.)
- Some have called "The Spiritual AIDS at this time" because the company does not have the antibodies necessary to defend themselves, namely, human beings lack the minimum knowledge to put the same mental barriers that would address any form of occultism.
- The "New Era" in his practice involves spiritism, divination, eastern philosophy, holism, environmentalism (biotic terms within the Church such as synergy, living organism, symbiosis, pantheism Gnosticism, channeling, feminism and syncretism among other things.
The aim of the "New Era", is to spread their beliefs and practices through various means and strategies to control and bring all humanity to eternal damnation . They announce that humanity will end in a time where it will be completely dominated by its principles only exist where a government, an economy and a world religion. In other words, seeks to establish through different mechanisms, a " New World Order."
- Gnosticism
from the Greek word meaning knowledge gnostikós.
The "New Age" says that everyone is saved according to knowledge. Knowing replaced faith. This knowledge is acquired through an expansion of consciousness, gnosticism leads to an attitude of rejection of Christian revelation and the Church, to seek a higher revelation outside of Christianity.
In the religious field is expressed as Gnosticism and was one of the first threats to the purity of the Christian faith. Emerged a few years later Christ's death by the encounter of Christianity with the atmosphere of Hellenistic philosophy, Gnosticism claimed to see in Scripture is a hidden message that only certain enlightened minds could decipher . Gnostics in general appeal to a higher wisdom that would be the "true religion" and focal point for all spiritual paths and mystics.
The derivation of Gnosticism, present in all great religious traditions, has survived and diversified found in the "New Era" a privileged field of action. The Theosophical Society founded by Helena Blavatsky in the late nineteenth century and its derivatives related organizations (anthroposophy, the Great Universal Brotherhood, the Order of the Rosicrucians, The Universal Church Triumphant, the flow of Metaphysics in Mexico represented by authors such as Connie Mendez, Religious Activity "Soy Yo", the New Acropolis and many more) are the ideological precursors of the "New Era" and currently is its dedicated promoters.
symbols, ceremonies and initiatory degrees of Freemasonry and paramasónicas organizations also show a close association with the gnosis background, (you see the all-seeing eye, and eye DCI method, subtly you are using a Mason symbol).
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