Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stump Remover Canadian Tire

DNI results in

For Ommar Ayala

time ago in my studies of journalism a secular commissioned Professor left us to attend a place that is experienced with the senses, in order to observe what was done there to prepare a report on the site, then a few excerpts from that work.

The people you get in the SensoRama is dressed in white because they are teachers of the New Era. SensoRama is the company that carries out this service and is located near the Roma neighborhood in Mexico City, then they ask you at the entrance to take off your shoes and relax with music and smell of incense, soon after you sell the eyes and turn off the lights for you to take your partner's shoulders you're in front and walk according to the route that people tell you dressed in white.

Within lay you experience, you get to taste fruits and hear sounds, all in an environment relaxation and blindfolded, at the end of "experience" people wearing white makes you "think" about life, nature and stewardship, of course New Age philosophy. "http
: / /


What caught my attention recently is that something similar was used in the campaign Strength for the Soul 2008, if you do not was familiar with this practice I recommend you do not realize as I mentioned earlier, perhaps (I assume) that was made with good intention to make known the message of Jesus by the young, but be careful what you copy from other places, I honestly can not imagine John the Baptist to tell people 'Go and play through their senses for the kingdom of heaven is near. "

  • infiltration "New Age practices in ICIRMAR?

  • Are these paradigm shifts which we have spoken? Will changing the gospel of Jesus Christ by a circus street of the New Era?

Therefore thus saith the Lord: If thou, I will restore you, and you'll be ahead of me, and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth. Convert them to you, and you do not become them. Jer. 15:19

as Christians are called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ so that people will remove the bandage from the eyes, not vice versa.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hand Herpes And Guitar

ICIRMAR Color Your World Invitation


interesting "baby steps" which promotes German.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sprained My Ankle Swollen On Both Sides

first conclusion

Dianetics + New Age = DNI

For Ommar Ayala
After months

study on this issue that really seems to concern for the church in general, I suggest you read the following investigation. Frankly I was surprised with the results raised here and I respectfully appeal to all fear and trembling to the Servants of God of ICIRMAR for using the ID method as evident by the features anti-Christian practices, which seek at all costs infiltrate the church to prepare the way for the son of perdition, I hope you read here is worth, because I have earned reprimands, hatred and misunderstanding to a part of the Christian community also thank the brothers, servants and sisters in this and other movements that have supported information and prayers. God have mercy on us ...


As a first example we can mention Scientology sect in several countries considered European. This organization was founded by science fiction writer Ron Hubbard . It has been enriched by recruiting people who have to pay a high price for the material (such as engrams ) which offers the sect, promising happiness.

have emerged from this current business improvement, although perhaps not as alienating as Scientology, are far from be beneficial, and only in a few cases able to help people.

To achieve its mission, sects use the ontological training (Greek ontos: 'all' in the sense that it influences every individual's life, including their privacy).
Most experts agree that training (coaching ) is useful for companies and to help people (as can be also psychology).
Instead ontological training, which although derived from coaching, usually dispose of the subject, to make it perform the duties of the company. And mixing a little of everything: training, Gestalt psychology and various metaphysical concepts.
Ontological Coaching, a new professional school to assist people so they can get results without this training, they could not achieve on their own.
  • this sound familiar? ... Maybe I've read in some agenda of the New Breed.
Ontological Coaching well conceived is the basis for understanding the work in organizations is naturally synergistic and interdependent, interdisciplinary and mutual aid where no party or departments is more important than the others, and where competition, which is the art of working from my competition is the best way to achieve business results that none of the departments can achieve by itself alone. It is the basis for understanding leadership as a weakness not addictive, but as a liberating energy that drives employees to settle in self-leaders.
quality from this new perspective, no longer displayed as blind adherence to rules invisible to people, but as the creative capacity to surprise their customers with services extent that competition can not match. Ontological Coaching through companies and organizations are created smart able to change the realities.
  • What is Coaching?:
- It is a practical discipline that facilitates learning to: observe, think, feel and do differently, therefore achieve different results in different areas: work, family, etc. and live a full life.

Why these names: Coach and Coaching?.
- This name comes from the sport. where it was noted that the intervention of a person-which, while not
play - changing the individual and team results, this person was the trainer or coach. Coaching And then, was to train other / s.

How was evolving at different rates COACHINGS?
- After the sport was not enough to "do differently." Came more complex needs face a "new historical scenarios, models emerging social, economic and political crisis, this is added the great technological advances especially in the field of communication. All this translates into paradigm shifts, and perhaps the biggest is that it challenges us to rethink what which means "human being." From this follows the term "ontology" (science or study of being), which has more than 25 centuries, but has acquired other dimensions and use in recent decades by the advance group of many scientific and philosophical.
New Age / New Age
  • The "New Era" is a movement with universal features, looking for his followers no matter their beliefs, race, color or nation.
  • For them, an evangelical, a Catholic, a Jew, a witch or a lama of Tibet is, (it is for this reason that the ID method can be implemented in any church, German author says there is no problem.)

  • Some have called "The Spiritual AIDS at this time" because the company does not have the antibodies necessary to defend themselves, namely, human beings lack the minimum knowledge to put the same mental barriers that would address any form of occultism.

  • The "New Era" in his practice involves spiritism, divination, eastern philosophy, holism, environmentalism (biotic terms within the Church such as synergy, living organism, symbiosis, pantheism Gnosticism, channeling, feminism and syncretism among other things.
The aim of the "New Era", is to spread their beliefs and practices through various means and strategies to control and bring all humanity to eternal damnation . They announce that humanity will end in a time where it will be completely dominated by its principles only exist where a government, an economy and a world religion. In other words, seeks to establish through different mechanisms, a " New World Order."
  • Gnosticism
from the Greek word meaning knowledge gnostikós.
The "New Age" says that everyone is saved according to knowledge. Knowing replaced faith. This knowledge is acquired through an expansion of consciousness, gnosticism leads to an attitude of rejection of Christian revelation and the Church, to seek a higher revelation outside of Christianity.

In the religious field is expressed as Gnosticism and was one of the first threats to the purity of the Christian faith. Emerged a few years later Christ's death by the encounter of Christianity with the atmosphere of Hellenistic philosophy, Gnosticism claimed to see in Scripture is a hidden message that only certain enlightened minds could decipher . Gnostics in general appeal to a higher wisdom that would be the "true religion" and focal point for all spiritual paths and mystics.

The derivation of Gnosticism, present in all great religious traditions, has survived and diversified found in the "New Era" a privileged field of action. The Theosophical Society founded by Helena Blavatsky in the late nineteenth century and its derivatives related organizations (anthroposophy, the Great Universal Brotherhood, the Order of the Rosicrucians, The Universal Church Triumphant, the flow of Metaphysics in Mexico represented by authors such as Connie Mendez, Religious Activity "Soy Yo", the New Acropolis and many more) are the ideological precursors of the "New Era" and currently is its dedicated promoters.
symbols, ceremonies and initiatory degrees of Freemasonry and paramasónicas organizations also show a close association with the gnosis background, (you see the all-seeing eye, and eye DCI method, subtly you are using a Mason symbol).

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mto Personalized Plates

Book Content

Introduction: Why it's worth fighting for truth

1 - Can the truth survive a postmodern society?
2-Spiritual Warfare: Duty, danger and triumph
3-Constrained guaranteed to conflict: Why should we fight for the faith? 4-
increasing Apostasy: How false teachers are introduced to sneak
5-The subtlety of Heresy: Why we must remain vigilant
6-injurious What false doctrine: How the error becomes grace into licentiousness
7-The attack on divine authority: The denial of the Lordship of Christ
8-How to survive in times of apostasy: Learning from the lessons of history.
Appendix: Why out of fashion insight

An endless parade of specialists in style to the growth of the church, has been repeating the same mantra over several decades, and multitudes of Christians and church leaders today accepted uncritically the idea. Your message to the world and the means by which that message has been prepared carefully by consumer relations experts to attract worldly minds.

Many church leaders have changed the way of seeing the gospel. Instead of seeing it as a message from God, which Christians are called to proclaim as ambassadors of Christ, now treated as a commodity to be sold in the market.

The more compelling question in the minds and lips of many pastors today is: What is true?, But what works? Many in

the evangelical movement have forgotten who is Lord over the Church. Have abandoned or rejected outright his true head and given its rightful place at pollsters and pundits who "make the church grow" ..

So wherever the Word of God is being replaced by twelve-step programs and other substitutes, the headship of Christ over the church is being denied in practice.

leadership styles popular enterprise-class church (where the pastors put themselves in the role of a CEO of a corporation, rather than being a shepherd of the flock of Christ) also undermine the headship of Christ on the church.

Such companies can be labeled, but often they are mere products of human ingenuity and carnal energy.

are works of wood, hay or straw in the words of 1 Corinthians 3:12, eternal useless to be consumed before the judgment-seat of Christ.

A correct understanding of the church begins with this recognition: Christ is the only true head of the church, and anything that interferes with their government has the seed of apostasy in it.

That also means that the earthly church leaders are junior ministers should serve the Great Shepherd. None has the privilege of making their own doctrine, design your own order of service, or invent their own ideas about what should be the church. Christ alone is the true head of the church, and only those who recognize their authority and bow to it unconditionally, they have the real right to serve as shepherds to their flock. All that remain are ravening wolves.

This should serve as a reminder about the future of the evangelical movement, and should serve as a reminder that we must return to fight the War for Truth.

John MacArthur, Truth War, 2007 Grupo Nelson

Monday, October 6, 2008

Novelty Ids London Ontario

editorial recommendation NCD Australia 2007 National Conference Invitation

And the name of Christ? Why did not occur? Do you only sell the invitation as a commercial product?

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves by their fruits ye shall know them" ...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bruised Feeling On Back Of Head

Against the Intransigents traditionalists (those who oppose the DNI)

Everything Changes in Life! Written by
antoniogoes Posted in Reflection

When talking about memory changes various stages of my life, starting work at age 15, income to college, finding a job as a professional, etc.
For each positive results and had to make several changes in my life.

For example to work at age 15 I learned to make and sell ice cream and for this I had to sacrifice my love for football, learn to save, not watching television, sleeping less, or get up earlier, etc.

In short I had to learn new techniques, skills and change behaviors and bad hábitos.Vendí ice for nearly 11 years, this activity allowed me to finish a degree and at the end of it I faced the search for a job as a recent graduate.
Marketing knowledge and experience of 11 years as a peddler of ice cream was my resume, take 1 year 8 months to find a steady job.
companies asking me certain skills, techniques, attitudes, habits, according to this work. If he wanted to develop professionally
had to change and this meant removing the present, enter a degree of discomfort, subordinate present for future delights. To reach our promised land
is difficult and even annoying because demand changes: the change almost always carries a degree of discomfort, especially when it is severe or sudden.
David Shearman in his book, Born to win exemplifies the process of change in the form of an equation.

A + B + C = D

A represents a concern that we can face the possibility of further changes.
B has a vision for a better tomorrow is displayed
C plans and strategies are developed

A 12.5% \u200b\u200bearly adaptation will be ready for a change every six to twelve months.
35% majority will be an early, ready for a change every fourteen to twenty four months. Another 35% consists
the late majority, and will be ready for a change only every twenty-four to thirty-six months.

A 12.5% \u200b\u200bare the belated, to accept change only after a long incubation period about 48 months.

And the remaining 2.5% are the diehard traditionalists who usually refuse to any change.

But guess what? it sounds hard to accept all are essential both innovative as intransigent.

it is expedient that there is dissension among you, to be made manifest among you who are approved (1 Corinthians 11:19).

would imagine that most diehard traditionalists, the church today would hinder its progress and soon become ineffective or, worse still would die.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Breakfast Cereals For Diabetics

Research the Natural Church Development

The Word of God says:

Peter 2:1-31 But there were also false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
2 And many shall follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of, 3 and their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. On such a long time their condemnation has not been idle, and their destruction do not sleep.

page DNI association with ICIRMAR now internet withdrawal

For Ommar Ayala
few months ago I called attention to hear about a plan to "revolutionize the structure of Interdenominational Christian Church. "My mind thought that at last the long awaited revival had come to one of the biggest Christian movements throughout Mexico, which if required a restructuring ng spiritual.

But what was my surprise to discover that the "revolutionary ID card plan" is nothing an organizational system based on human philosophy which aims to be a spiritual guide to church growth.

How it works
DNI For this, it needs to hire a specialized company that offers marketing services to religious institutions. It also involves taking training programs in para-church institutions dedicated to preparing pastors to "revitalize churches in crisis" or to establish new congregations.

THE NWO 9.11
The 8.41 am on September 11 in New York, when the first plane hit the Twin Towers, the U.S. was giving out the reordering of international priorities, a set of changes that have substantially altered the hierarchy and importance that the world superpower gives different countries. Question asked

Robert Goodman, author of "secret societies"

Is there a special secret society?
Yes, the Illuminati''.'' But there are many, and very important, which have a role. Like all, it is very old and has great power.

The Iluminatti (Ed. Planeta, 2005)
I came across this interesting specimen in a library of Pachuca Hidalgo, this book by Paul H. Koch, Ph.D. in Social and Human Sciences. Koch tells the story of human society from the actions of a branch of the Masons, founded by Adam Weishaupt, whose name is, the Illuminati of Bavaria or Iluminatti.

And frankly something that always struck me about the Masons is the symbol of the "third eye" esoteric symbol used by Iluminatti, which appears on the dollar bill.

Large matches

On the left the symbol of Freemasonry used the dollar bill
right eye used in the pages of Natural Church Development DNI.

"The all-seeing eye" of the American dollar bill has many similarities with that used on the official website of the Natural Church Development.

Are we witnessing a "New World Order" that is also infiltrating the Christian churches in order to prepare the way for Antichrist?

In 2 Timothy, Chapter 3, shows us what this apostasy that we are experiencing: "But know this: that in the last days perilous times shall come."

A new generation of churches is expanding a current evangelical religious celebrations as organized and packed as any U.S. franchise. Instead of trying to convert the faithful to a dominant Christian power, these independent churches are forming global organizations united around a single leader.

to suit the client Iglesias