Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Faking High School Community Service Hours

Pop Anthropology: Anthropology Workshop for Curiosxs - 2011

Twitter: @ Finkismo


Proposal and mode

  • The workshop aims to create a space for thought, criticism and debate for all those interested in articulating their anthropological thought everyday. Exercise, think and share what makes us human in a space of collective criticism. Building a knowledge based on plurality, open to doubt and avoid closing in certainty. Thinking about different ways to communicate the knowledge and the political processes of legitimation that accompany the process of knowledge construction.

  • will work 1 (a) monthly topic chosen by the group:

    • Topics symbolic anthropology: the importance of ritual as a social organizer. The place of cabals, myths and legends in contemporary society. What folk.
    • The different ways of experiencing sexuality and social correlates. Determinism of sexual practices and relationship to sexual identity. Heteronormativity. Dissent of the difference. The militancy sexual-social activism.
    • adventures and misadventures of Anthropological Theory : the epistemological problem of a science that seeks truth. Schools of thought in the history of anthropology. The methodological problem. The fieldwork and the subject-object of study. The versatility and dialogues of anthropology and other disciplines .

Many thanks to Mario Malaurie for giving me this space and its commitment to the project .