Friday, September 10, 2010

Cherry Floors Coordinating Color

The Wisdom of Alexander Soifer

In anticipation of what the writer and freelance journalist, published in November by South American, I pass the 25 questions by Alexander Soifer John Terranova .

And who are they?

with minibios
Alexander Soifer

born September 20, 1983. Days is about to graduate from the career of Literature at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Buenos Aires. Is a freelance journalist and has worked in various media graphics arts journalism as the magazine Beautiful, THC and continues working for the supplement Radar and Radar Página/12 books. And also on digital media The interpreter, not refundable, and was the author of the well known blog The views of melancholy ruffian was already out of print but can still be read if you click on the link.
published by the editorial Funesiana a book of short stories called Photos broken. have unpublished novels and short stories. currently is the author of Aesthetics failure and is also devoted to teaching.

John Terranova

Born in Buenos Aires in 1975. He graduated in Arts. In 1999 he published his first book Notes of a trip to Italy and 2001, The collector , a miscellany of critical and fictional texts. He also published several novels: The cannibal (2002), tango dancer (2003), The pornographer (2005), My name is Rufus (2008). He also wrote a book of poems, The Ignorant , the storybook Music for Rhinos and chronic La Virgen del Cerro and Pilgrimage . Participated in various anthologies and was in charge of selecting Buenos Aires / Scale 1:1

stolen Bio here.

rarely got so many links together in one post, so you'd better read carefully and enjoy it and buy the books published by these two guardians of the new national literature, because but ... I follow the Mossad and will go wrong, very, very bad.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Christian Phrases To Say To Others

25 Marc Augé in Argentina

To the one I also missed the Marc Augé conference on Anthropology and Literature at the opening of Filber , here step interview with him in Página/12 , where leaves settled that: "Writing and reading are deeply anthropological experience."

That is why Free people stealing laburo we live. Is to take it into account Antropocacos , I say, because there are these other crooks who are gaps and speak from the voices of other disciplines, as we intend to do us a lot. With the difference that these thieves letrosos have access to an elite editorial that always (and not without whoring by) may publish a poem, novel, short stories, essays, etc., Without the pressure imposed academic discourse that controlled from a position of a "knowing" requirement and "superior" requires fidelity to that speech and reminding us that we have inside.

My greetings to Marc

Minibio (stolen from here and remastered by me)

anthropologist Marc Augé is a Frenchman born in Poitiers in 1935, specializing in ethnology.
As a teacher has taught anthropology and ethnology the École des hautes études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, where he served as director between 1985 and 1995. It has also been responsible for various research director at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).
His work emphasizes a bold approach to the concept of overmodernity constructed from a reflection on the identity of the subject based on his relationship with the ordinary places and presence of technology. Also was he who introduced the notion of non- places being these neutral spaces that do not lead to the appropriation ;-) identity or significance of a space. Examples of these non-places may be airports, shopping malls, bus stations, supermarkets. Although I see some relativity while some of these spaces may be appropriate for a subject in transit so that it forms part of urban folklore , for example, to stop me from 41 is part of my daily life to be my bondi "wildcard." But I'm not sure if Marc Augé would call no-place, since it is so massive and a-personal such as a bus station of Retiro. I think Marc refers to non-place as well as the timelessness of the use of such spaces which in one way or another are still functional in certain urban transit purposes specific to each subject. The question remains open ...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Patch Français Port Royale 2

Agenda: past and present.

Past & Present Centre Pompidou New Media Collection.
July 2 to September 25, 2010
Works: Vito Acconci, Thierry Kuntzel,
Bruce Nauman, Chris Marker, Aernout Mik,
Tony Oursler, Nam June Paik, Zineb Sedira.

Selection Christine Van Assche

Until 25 September. Monday through Saturday from 14 to 20.30hs.

Saynomode you about this data, to further open eyes and refresh the eye and mind. Lucky you! If you had the chance to visit the Pompidou Centre with its vast collection of contemporary art in Paris, but if not, Telefónica Area offers the opportunity, with free admission and free to visit the works of these great exponents of video art , and perhaps understand a little better to what happens with new technologies in contemporary art and everything that involves hearing, seeing as they were beginning, who were the ones who innovated at the time. Because it's always better to know how, where and how it came about a move s to understand what is happening today. Do not miss the opportunity, those who can!

on library;
New Media Collection of the Pompidou Center, National Museum of Modern Art (Paris, France) is one of the largest in the world, both the quantity of works collected as its artistic scope . testimony is half a century of history of the image and sound and reflects large movements of contemporary art , from performances to body language, to minimalist art, conceptual art, the post-conceptual and postcolonial. The collection includes works dating from 1960 to date, raising a total of 1,700 works that include multimedia installations 110, 1700 videos, audio tapes, CD-ROM available in a comfortable room multimedia and Web sites created mostly by visual artists and other artistic disciplines.
past-present. New Media Collection, Centre Pompidou, presents an overview of the use of new media in the decades through the course of the works selected by Christine Van Assche.

is one of the largest in the world, both the quantity of works collected as artistic scope. It is testimony to half a century of history of the image and sound and reflects the large movements of contemporary art, from performances to body language, to minimalist art, conceptual art, the post-conceptual.
Collection New Media was interested in the history of European video of the decades of 1970 and 1980, with artists of film culture as J ean Luc Godard and Thierry Kuntzel , who first experimented with television video in laboratories, or artists other disciplines such as Jean Christophe Averty and Armand Gatti.

Although at first the artists were from the western regions (Western Europe and North America), today from all over the world: Eastern Europe, South America the Balkans, Asia and Australia, and soon will also include artists Africa.
This variety gives us an overview of our world in movimiento.Por its international character, the wide range of trends represented and consistent historical and contemporary, this is a class library.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bentonite Clay Atlanta Ga.

new media "we are what we wear"

ON THE CORNER: streetstyle pioneer in Argentina

Many blogs are devoted to detect the trend of styles of clothing and accessories from the street, coolhunting seem increasingly Saynomode even went a couple of times to photograph and document what used people in their daily lives and in the noche.Las global brands, are becoming increasingly important to bloggers responsible for the capture and even give away seats fornt row (the desired front row of fashion shows) to be present and even these have their netbooks and go up the minute the show. (A clear example of the photo, next to Anna Wintour and the blogger and their working tool )
New technologies and recent social networks have changed the modus operandi to the fashion World. Who would have predicted five or ten years ago a guy in his twenties from the comfort of your home by uploading pictures of other , would be as important in a parade as Anna Wintour herself with its long history (and many good friends). Or the designers to communicate instead of choosing to Vogue Italy or the V Magazine, and choose Twitter from your Blackberry, yes sir, technology and the new access to the elite world have democratized fashion and horabuena.
But back to what concerns us, and it is our latitudes. In this note Saynomode blog teaches you that you have your path a little streetstyle pioneer in Argentina: On the corner.
recognized by various local media, and even international has little to envy trend hunters from abroad.

Its creators, Lucio Santilli Javier Obando and Flora Grzetic, been achieved with creativity and talent, put the eye those people who may have crossed at some time and caught our attention, either through their personal style by colors on their clothing, by the way the dressed or who recreated a bygone era, the truth is that they are far away from the windows and commercial stereotypes in every season reborn in each model: your job is to document a nice way, upload to the net and bring them so we can all see that there are other ways of living and fashion clothing.
logo With more than successful, "wear what we" have managed to move from category blog website with built-sponsorship. Come and see, and cleave a refreshed in the hundreds of photos with more daring styles, fun and unusual that Argentina, or at least Buenos Aires, offers streetstyle