'Scream 4', disastrous return
may seem silly to expect something interesting in the fourth installment of the series, particularly in respect of a horror (where the trend seems to be endlessly repeated the same pattern, cut costs, to infinity and beyond), but when it comes eleven years after the previous one, and with the participation of the same team that started it all, it seems impossible not to feel a great curiosity. That is, it seems hypocritical to disparage a film simply because there is a 4 behind the title, and has a successful literary base behind. It is true that the already extrilogĂa of 'Scream' was more or less, starting with a powerful review of the horror genre that had no continuity in an uneven sequel, concluding all (or so we thought until last year) with a poor third installment unsuccessfully trying to squeeze the last juice of an exhausted formula.
And yet, the brand 'Scream' was giving money. The third party cost $ 40 million and grossed more than 160 worldwide, about the same as the previous. A business. It was only a matter of time before stabbing Ghostface to return to our screens, either through a "reboot", restarting all over again, or a sequel, following the events of the series with the same characters from previous films. The simplest and the cheapest was undoubtedly the first choice, but maybe the operation was not very clear, the end of the younger generations feel more close a saga as 'Saw', the first 'Scream' is done 15 years old history for fans of "torture porn." So bet on the nostalgia, bringing back Wes Caven, Neve Campbell and company to launch 'Scream 4', the resurrection of the "slasher" self-conscious, full of winks and references, presumably to give a new twist, and pass hook new recruits. A fiasco in every way, possibly the worst of the saga.
'Scream 4' (or 'Scre4m') returns us to the town of Woodsboro, whose tranquility is shaken again with the return of Ghostface and a new wave of killings. But before that takes place a prologue that is simply the best film, brand of false starts featuring pairs of girls (great scene of Anna Paquin and Kristen Bell) who also self-parodying 'Scream', throw darts fun against other competitors profitable horror genre (one of them blurts out, "Saw disgusting not afraid "). This start preparing the public in an appropriate way for more than one hundred minutes that follow, she recalled the topics, the iconic murderer, has made a mockery of all that and has offered the first murders. One has the feeling that the parenthesis has revitalized the series, Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven have become eager to march, from there everything will go up ... but the opposite is true, goes down. And when it seems that at least is going to stay there, still falling, to a shameful end.
After the mirage of the prologue, the autopilot is turned on and very soon 'Scream 4' is revealed as a sequel empty, dull and listless, a repetition of jokes and abusive situations from previous games, integrating the use of new technologies as a great innovation in a plot mechanics, devoid of imagination. No one breathes passion, and yes the vague effort to comply with a routine, both in the script for this sequel-remake Williamson has written (rewritten in part by Ehren Kruger, writer of "Scream 3") as in the staging of a Craven gray, devoid of ideas, filming a murder very boring without the energy and violence of the past. Off just as are the actors who give life to the survivors of the saga, Neve Campbell, David Arquette and Courteney Cox (especially unbearable as the renewed Gale), have been a good idea to remove the very beginning. By contrast, the new generation is more plugged into the proposal, wanting to have fun with their characters and make a mark in the series. Apart from the aforementioned cameo, Emma Roberts, Hayden Panettiere, Alison Brie, Erik Knudsen and Nico Tortorella seemed most prominent.
Although sufficient numbers of international market to save the furniture, it is clear that 'Scream 4' has not met the expectations of their managers, who before the premiere and were happily announcing the start of a second trilogy. It is by far the worst figures comes with four, barely half of what they collected the others. Not that I am gay, but it seems fair. It makes sense that a hollow and soulless product created with the sole intention of generating large amounts of money for those responsible is given a bump at the box office (or at least raise the savagery they expected). "New decade, new rules" announced the lineup. The real slogan is "New decade, old mistakes." If you really intend to launch 'Scream 5', I think the only honest way to do this is to destroy everything done and start again, with other characters, with another team. With new blood, literally.